The US donates hundreds of HUMVEEs, equipments and night vision goggles to ANA

First Deputy Minister of Defense Shah Mahmoud Miakhel and US Commander Lt. Gen. John Deedrick said today the U.S. and NATO are continuing to support Afghan security forces as they reduce their forces in Afghanistan.
Shahmahmood Miakhil, First Deputy Minister of National Defense, thanked the United States of America and said: "These tools and equipment will be used to ensure the security of the people."
“Preservation of the Afghan Security Forces is of vital importance to Afghanistan’s long-term stability and security”, said Lt. Gen. Deedrick.
The US donated 1,383 HUMVEEs and 55 Mobile Strike Force vehicles, 10 helicopters and 4 A-29 aircraft this year. They also donated hundreds of night vision goggles, uniforms, equipment, medical supplies, facilities and ammunition.
Over the past year, the US delivered $574 million dollars of equipment to the Afghan government and our security forces as we fight terrorism and provide security for our people. The US will transfer $102 million more in equipment in the near future.
US assistance and cooperation with the National Defense and Security Forces will continue and this relationship will remain stable.