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Tue, Jun 29 2021 1:47 PM
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235 Taliban terrorists were killed and 161 others were wounded during the last 24 hours

235 Taliban terrorists were killed and 161 others were wounded as a result of ANDSF operations in Nangarhar, laghman, Nuristan, Kunar, Ghazni, Kandahar, Zabul, Balkh, Faryab, Helmand, Baghlan, Bada

Sun, Jun 27 2021 10:32 AM
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193Taliban Terrorists Were Killed And 110 Others Wounded During The Last 24 Hours

193 Taliban terrorists were killed and 110 others were wounded as a result of #ANDSF operations in Nangarhar, Maidan Wardak, Khost, Ghazni, Uruzgan, Kandahar, Zabul, Herat, Farah, Samangan, Helmand

Sun, Jun 27 2021 10:26 AM
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57 Taliban terrorists were killed in Kandahar province

57 Taliban terrorists were killed and 11 others were wounded in clearing operations conducted by #ANDSF

Sat, Jun 26 2021 10:27 AM
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248 Taliban terrorists were killed, 137 wounded & 12 others were arrested during past 24 hours 

248 Taliban terrorists were killed, 137 wounded & 12 others were arrested as a result of ANDSF operations in Ghazni, Logar, Kandahar, Faryab, Balkh, Helmand, Kunduz, Baghlan, Badakhshan & K

Sun, Jun 20 2021 12:05 PM
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147 Taliban terrorists were killed and 104 others were wounded during the last 24 hours

147 Taliban terrorists were killed and 104 others were wounded as a result of ANDSF operations in Nangarhar, laghman, Uruzgan, Kandahar, Farah, Balkh, Helmand and Kunduz provinces during the last 2

Tue, Jun 01 2021 10:47 AM
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60 Taliban terrorists were killed and 34 others wounded during 24 past hours 

60 Taliban terrorists were killed, 34 wounded and a large number of weapons and ammunition were destroyed in Laghman, Ghazni, Paktia, Kandahar, Zabul, Herat, Faryab, Jowzjan, Helmand, Kunduz and Ba
