Press Release

Mon, Sep 07 2020 2:50 PM
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5 Talib terrorists were killed and 8 others wounded in Balkh!

Last night, 5 Talib terrorists were killed and 8 others including Esmatullah a Taliban group leaders were wounded in Af

Mon, Sep 07 2020 10:54 AM
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25 Talib terrorists were killed in Shah Walikut district of Kandahar!

A group of Taliban gathered in Loy Karez area of Shah Walikut district and planned to launch

Mon, Sep 07 2020 10:53 AM
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14 rounds of IED incident were intercepted in Kandahar and Zabul!

Yesterday, Taliban terrorists planted 4 rounds of IED in Shah Walikut district of Kandahar province, 2 rounds in Mizan

Mon, Sep 07 2020 10:52 AM
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Deadly terrorist incident prevented in Paghman district of Kabul!

Taliban terrorists planted one barrel of IED in vicinity of “Jawan Mard Qasab” Paghman distr

Sun, Sep 06 2020 3:03 PM
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8 Talib terrorists were killed in Charbulak district of Balkh!

A group of Taliban gathered in Sabzikaar area, Charbulak district of Balkh province and plan

Sat, Sep 05 2020 6:43 PM
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Taliban attack fails in Ghoryain district of Herat Province!

Taliban terrorists attacked on Afghan National Defense & Security Forces checkpoints in Ghoryain district of Herat Province which their attack confronted with intense resistance of Brave Afghan
