Press Release

Mon, Jan 11 2021 4:36 PM
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32 IEDs were discovered and defused by ANA in three districts of Kandahar province!

32 IEDs which were placed by Taliban on public roads, they were planning to target military and civilian people in Panjwae, Arghandab and Zheria districts of Kandahar province, yesterday.

Mon, Jan 11 2021 4:34 PM
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19 Taliban were killed and wounded in Guizab district of Uruzgan!

11 Taliban were killed and 8 others were wounded during the preemptive attacks of Afghan National Army in vicinity of Guizab district of Uruzgan province, yesterday.

Sun, Jan 10 2021 4:33 PM
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14 Taliban were killed and their attacks repelled in Logar province!

6 Taliban including Qari Taseen local commander were killed and 8 others including Sayeedi one of the Taliban group member were wounded during the reciprocal attacks of Afghan National Army Forces.

Sun, Jan 10 2021 2:27 PM
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10 Taliban were killed and wounded in Ghazni province!

Afghan National Defense and Security Forces, under their active defense posture, conducted preemptive operations and repelled Taliban attack in the vicinity of the Andar district of Ghazni province

Sun, Jan 10 2021 1:23 PM
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AAF targets Taliban terrorists’ extortion checkpoint in Kunduz and Baghlan provinces!

6 Taliban were killed and 3 others were wounded, moreover, a large number of their weapons and ammunition was destroyed in airstrikes carried out by Afghan Air Forces along the Kunduz-Takhar highwa

Sun, Jan 10 2021 11:14 AM
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28 Taliban were killed in the Arghandab district of Kandahar province!

Afghan National Defense and Security Forces, under their active defense posture, conducted a preemptive operation in the vicinity of the Arghandab district of Kandahar province, yesterday.

Sun, Jan 10 2021 10:41 AM
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113 IEDs were discovered and safely detonated by ANA in Kandahar province!

113 IEDs which were placed by Taliban on public roads in Zheria, Arghandab, and Maiwand districts of Kandahar province were discovered and safely detonated by Afghan National Army yesterday.

Sun, Jan 10 2021 10:03 AM
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3 Taliban IED planters were killed in Wardak province!

3 Taliban IED planters were killed in an airstrike carried out by Afghan Air Forces in the vicinity of the Nirkh and Sayed Abad districts of Wardak province, yesterday.
