91 Insurgents Were Killed!    


Kabul, Afghanistan: in the past 24 hours, Afghan National Defense and Security Forces, launched 12 joint clearance operations and conducted 99 Commandos, Special Forces operations in different parts of the country, in order to remove security threats, destroying the enemy’s sanctuaries and ensure better security to the people of Afghanistan, Afghan Air Forces conducted 124 flights and carried out 26 airstrikes on enemies’ positions in support of these operations. As a result, 91 Insurgents were killed and 41 were wounded.

These operations were conducted with support of Resolute Support and Afghan Air Forces in, Takhar, Kandahar, Faryab, Zabul, Nangarhar, Baghalan, Uruzgan, Farah, Kunduz, Paktia, Herat, Kapisa, Helmand, Balkh, Sir-e Pol and Logar provinces.

Takhar: 20 insurgents were killed and 12 were wounded in clearing operation in Baharak district.

Kandahar: 18 insurgents were killed in airstrikes in Maruf district.

Faryab: 11 insurgents were killed and 7 were wounded in airstrikes in Bilcheragh district.

Zabul: 10 insurgents were killed, 2 motorbikes and a device of BM1 were destroyed in airstrikes in Markaz areas.

Nangarhar: 7 insurgents were killed and 4 were wounded in response attacks in Muhmand Dara district.

Baghalan: 6 insurgents were killed, 9 were wounded and 2 fighting positions were destroyed in airstrikes in Tala-wa Barfak district.

Uruzgan: 5 insurgents were killed and 6 were wounded in response attacks in vicinities of Uruzgan capital.

Farah: 5 insurgents were killed, 3 were wounded and 1 hideout was destroyed in airstrikes in Garm- Ab area, Farah capital.

Kunduz: 4 insurgents including Mustafa, Al-Qaida recruitment in charge and Qari Mohiuddin known as Maz-e Fa were killed in airstrikes in Chardara district.

Paktia: 2 insurgents were killed, 1 motorbike and amount of weapon and ammunition were seized in response attacks in Zarmat district.

Herat: An insurgent was killed and 1 motorbike was destroyed in airstrike in Shindan district.

Ghazni: An insurgent was killed in clearing operation in Gelan district.

Kapisa: An insurgent was killed and 1 motorbike was destroyed in airstrikes in Nijrab district.