61 Insurgents Were Killed!


Kabul-Afghanistan: in the past 24 hours, Afghan National Defense and Security Forces, launched 12 joint offensive & clearance operations, and conducted 98 Commandos, Special Forces operations in different parts of the country, in order to remove security threats, destroying the enemy’s sanctuaries and ensure better security to the people of Afghanistan, Afghan Air Forces conducted 142 flights and carried out 14 airstrikes on enemies’ positions in support of these operations. As a result, 61 Insurgents were killed, 28 were wounded and 2 suspects were detained.  

These operations were conducted with support of Resolute Support and Afghan Air Forces in, Uruzgan, Faryab, Helmand, Zabul, Farah, Badghis, Kunduz, Badakhshan, Paktia, Ghazni, Takhar, Sir-e Pol, Balkh, Kandahar, Paktikah and Nangarhar provinces.

Uruzgan- 15 insurgents were killed, 7 were wounded, 2 suspects were arrested, 150 kg opium, 50 kg hashish, 5 motorbikes and 5 fighting positions were destroyed in clearing operations & artillery attacks in Guizab district and capital.  

Faryab- 13 insurgents were killed and 13 other including 6 Uzbekistani terrorists were wounded in artillery attacks & response attacks in Pashtun Kot and Dawlat Abad districts.  

Helmand- 9 insurgents were killed in airstrikes in Musa Qala and Kajaki districts.

Zabul- 6 insurgents were killed in artillery attacks in Shinkay district.

Farah- 5 Taliban insurgents were killed in response attacks in Balabulok district.

Badghis- 4 insurgents were killed and 3 were wounded in airstrike in Bala Murghab district.

Kunduz- 4 insurgents were killed and 2 were wounded in clearing operations in Imam Sahib District.

Badakhshan- 2 insurgents were killed and 3 were wounded in response attacks in Raghistan district.

Paktia- 2 insurgents were killed in response attacks in Waza Khwa district.

Ghazni- one insurgent was killed in airstrike in Andar district.