101 Insurgents Were Killed!


Kabul, Afghanistan: in the past 24 hours, Afghan National Defense and Security Forces launched 20 joint offensive & pre planned clearance operations and Air Forces carried out 19 airstrikes on enemies’ positions, in order to remove security threats, eliminate the enemy’s strongholds and ensure better security, these operations were conducted in 14 provinces of the country, as a result, 101 Insurgents including Taliban shadow Judge for Dahana Ghori district & 4 ISIS fighters were killed and 15 were wounded.

Faryab- 63 insurgents were killed and 7 were wounded in airstrikes in Pashtun Kut district.

Baghalan- 9 insurgent including Qari Noor Mohammad Taliban shadow Judge were killed in an airstrike in Dahana Ghori.

Zabul- 9 insurgents were killed and 5 were wounded in response attacks in Mizan district.

Nangarhar- 4 ISIS insurgents were killed, 1 depot of ammunition and 1 tunnel were destroyed in airstrikes in Achin district.

Paktikah- 4 insurgents were killed and 1 motorbikes was destroyed in airstrikes in province capital.

Wardak- 3 insurgents were killed in an airstrike in Nirkh district. 

Paktia- 3 insurgents were killed in an airstrike in Zarmat district.

Ghazni- 3 insurgents were killed in an airstrike in Andar district.

Laghman- 2 insurgents were killed and 2 were wounded in clearing operation in Alishing district.

Helmand- one insurgent was killed in an airstrike in Nahar Saraj district.