The Graduation of 169 Students From Hazrat Saad ibn Abi Waqqas Military Academy


Today, around 169 students after completing the three-years of practical and professional training, under a special ceremony have graduated from the 86th completion course of Hazrat Saad ibn Abi Waqqas Military Academy and National Defense University entitled as Hazrat Abu Ubaidah ibn Jarrah.

The ceremony was attended by Mawlawi Mohammad “Hamidi”, Deputy minister of personnel’s education, Mawlawi Nasibullah “Madani”, Commander of joint combat training of Hazrat Abdullah ibn Massoud, Mufti Mohammad Aslam “Haqqani”, commander of Harbi Military Academy, numerous officials, and employees of the Ministry of National Defense.

The Deputy Minister of Personnel’s Education, who spoke at the ceremony, entitled to the graduates: “Make your service’s aim the pleasure of Almighty Allah, avoid personal prejudices and also try your best efforts to learn professional training in order to serve Islam and your compatriots.

” It is also worth noting that these graduates through passing the entrance examination were able to be recruited to various professional fields of the Harbi Military Academy of the National Defense University named as Hazrat Abu Ubaidah ibn Jarrah. The ceremony was finished with the certificates’ distribution along with excellent military displays.