37 Taliban Insurgents Were Killed    


Kabul, Afghanistan: In continuation of Afghan National Army clearance operations, in the past 24 hours, Afghan National Defense and Security Forces launched 13 joint clearance operations and conducted 77 Special Forces operations in different parts of the country, Afghan Air Forces conducted 145 flights and carried out 22 airstrikes on enemies’ positions in support of these operations. As a result, 37 Insurgents were killed, 24 were wounded and 3 were detained.

These operations were conducted with support of Resolute Support and Afghan Air Forces in, Takhar, Paktia, Helmand, Faryab, Herat, Uruzgan, Farah, Balkh, Baghalan, Ghazni, Kunar, Nimruz, Badakhshan, provinces.

In these operations, 9 insurgents were killed, 10 were wounded in Baharak and Chah-Ab districts Takhar province. 6 insurgents were killed, 7 were wounded and amount of weapon and ammunition were destroyed in Gada-Siray district Paktia province. 6 insurgents were killed, 1 wounded, 20 fighting positions, 40m ditches, 15 machicolations and 44 rounds of IEDs were destroyed in Marja, Sangin and Nahar Saraj districts of Helmand province. 4 insurgents were killed, 2 were wounded, 2 were arrested, and amount of weapon and ammunition were seized in Pashtun Kot and Bilcheragh districts of Faryab province.

Similarly, 4 insurgents were killed, 1 vehicle and a motorbike were destroyed in Andar and Qarabagh districts of Ghazni province. 3 insurgents were killed and 2 were wounded in Nahichin area, capital of Uruzgan province. 3 insurgents were killed, 2 were wounded and a motorbike was destroyed in Shindan district of Herat province. 2 insurgents were killed and 5 were wounded in capital of Farah province. An insurgent was killed, 1 detained, 1 motorbike, 1 weapon and 500 kg drugs were seized in Balkh and Chamtal district of Balkh province. A vehicle packed with explosives were discovered and defused in Nahrin district of Baghalan province.

Afghan National Army as the nation’s defense forces, are ready to give sacrifice to bring lasting peace and security to the people and are determined to eradicate terror groups in Afghanistan.