Press Release dated March 18, 2019



45 insurgents were killed in different parts of the country      

Kabul, Afghanistan:  In the past 24 hours, , Afghan National Defense and Security Forces launched 8 clearing operation and carried out 82 Special Forces tasks in different parts of the country in order to remove security threats and ensure security. Afghan Air Forces also conducted 146 flights supporting Afghan National Army and carried out 12 airstrikes on enemies’ positions. As a result, 45 insurgents were killed, 8 were wounded and 8 others were detained.

These operations were conducted by the Afghan National Army Forces and with the support of Air forces in Laghman, Logar, Oruzgan, Badghis, Balkh, Baghlan and Kundoz provinces.

In these operations, 19 insurgents were killed, 2 others including a Talban commander known as Mula Mansor wounded, a hideout, 2 vehicles, 8 motorbikes, 2000 kilograms of ammonium nitrate and 2 IEDs were destroyed in Nad Ali, Sangena and Kajaki districts of Helmand. 11 insurgents were killed, 2 were wounded, 8 others including two commanders who had key role in collapse of Kundoz city, were detained , a hideout, 2 bags of explosives , 30 IEDs and rounds of weapon and ammo destroyed , and some publicity documents were seized in Chahardara district of Kundoz. 9 insurgents were killed in Trenkut, Oruzgan capital.

Similarly, 2 insurgents were killed and a motorbike was destroyed in Khushi district of Logar. 2 insurgents were killed and 2 others were wounded in Baghlan province. Zaghri, Wardakha, Chaikalha, Aka Khail, Surkh Kutal, Bezsafar and Wahad Bakhshi areas were also cleared of insurgents. 2 insurgents were killed and 2 motorbikes were destroyed in Balkh district of Balkh.

It is with great sadness that during these operations some of our brave Afghan National Army personnel were martyred and wounded, MoD leadership wishes eternal peace for martyrs, speedy recovery for those wounded and extend its condolence to their families.

Afghan National Army as the nation’s defense forces, are ready to give sacrifice to bring lasting peace and security to the people and are determined to eradicate terror groups in Afghanistan.   

National Defense Ministry, Press Office