140 Insurgents Were Killed!   


Kabul, Afghanistan: in the past 24 hours, Afghan National Defense and Security Forces, launched 10 joint offensive & pre planned clearance operations, conducted 83 Commandos special operations and Afghan Air Forces carried out 21 airstrikes on enemies’ positions, in order to remove security threats, eliminate the enemy’s strongholds and ensure better security, these operations were conducted in 12 provinces of the country.

As a result, 140Insurgents were killed and 27 were wounded.

Samangan- 30 insurgents were killed in airstrikes in Dara Souf district.

Ghazni- 29 insurgents were killed, 13 were wounded and 5 motorbikes were destroyed in airstrikes in Andar, Dehyak & Qarabagh districts.

Badakhshan- 27 insurgents were killed and 6 were wounded in an airstrike & response attacks in Jurm, Yumgan and kuran Wa Munjan districts.

Kandahar- 13 insurgents were killed and 2 were wounded in airstrikes in Shah Walikut district.

Balkh- 10 insurgents were killed in airstrikes in Zahra district.

Baghalan- 10 insurgents were killed in an airstrike in Hussain Khel village, province capital

Helmand- 6 insurgents were killed and 2 were wounded in an airstrike in Grishk, Nad Ali district.

Nangarhar- 4 insurgents were killed and 1 vehicle was destroyed in airstrikes in Surkh Rod districts.

Kapisa- 4 insurgents were killed and 2 were wounded in response attacks in Aghania valley of Nijrab district. 

Herat- 4 insurgents were killed and were wounded in an airstrike and clearing operation in Shindan and Kishka-Rabat Sangai districts. 

Parwan- 2 insurgents were killed in response attack in Shinwari district. 

Logar- one insurgent was killed in response attack in Mohammad Agha district.